The Large Münsterländer


Originating in Germany, the breed was first bred as an independent breed in the early 19th century, mainly in the provinces of Münster, Lower Saxony and Westphalia. The first kennel club was founded in 1919, 83 dogs were registered for breeding, first called Gorner Münsterländer Vorstehhund. The history of their breeding as an independent breed originated from the fact that in the breeding of long-haired German Shepherds, black and white offspring were born in certain litters. At first, these puppies were excluded from breeding because of their different colour variation, and later, because they did not differ from their brown and white counterparts in either their work or their characteristics, at the beginning of the last century the black and white offspring were bred and a breed with a stable genetic stock was created and named the Great Münsterland Vizsla.


They are elegant in appearance, long-haired, muscular in build, highly intelligent, child-loving, lively, inquisitive but calm in temperament, and are not shots. Active when hunting, persistent, tireless, tolerant of cold, hardy breed. It has an excellent sense of smell, a strong hunting instinct, excellent game stopping ability and is very fond of water.

Standard dimensions

males: 60-65 cm, 30-35 kg
bitches: 58-63 cm, 28-35 kg
Head: medium broad, slightly convex, stop moderate, eyes intelligent, noble, firm, muscular chin.
Cheek skull:
nose: black, broad
muzzle: blunt, not waxy, strong jaw, straight bridge of nose
Jaws/teeth: Strong jaws with perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, upper incisor locks over lower without gap. The teeth are almost straight in the jaw;
with 42 healthy teeth according to the tooth pattern.
jaw strong, well muscled
Eyes: dark, lids well resting on the eyeball, lids not turning inwards or outwards, intelligent gaze
Ears: slightly set back and set on a medium height. The flap of the ear is delicate, flush with the muzzle, ending in a rounded downward V-shape.
Neck: Medium length, in harmony with the overall shape. The nape of the neck is very muscular and slightly arched. The throat is dry.
Chest: sufficiently deep and very muscular
Tail: Tail set on medium-high, thick at the base, thinning afterwards.
Long, flagging hairs
Limbs : Forequarters: General: Viewed from the front, the limbs are parallel, viewed from the side they are vertical and well set under the body. Good bone structure and strong musculature.
Shoulders: The shoulder blade is long, sloping and flattened backwards. Flexible when moving. Strong, dry muscles. Good angulation between shoulder blade and upper arm.
Upper arm: Preferably long and well muscled.
Elbows: Close to the body, not turning inwards or outwards. Good angulation between upper arm and forearm.
Forearm: Long, straight, well muscled.
Hock: sinewy, strong
Fore and hind paws: Slightly oval, close-fitting, well arched, with strong toes
Hindquarters: Viewed from behind, the limbs are straight and parallel. Good angulation, strong bones.
Movement: dynamic, powerful, back firm, topline straight.
Coat: long, not curly, soft but not bristly,
Colour: black and white, the head usually largely black, the trunk with black spots of varying size on a white background, marbled or with larger black spots.
Faults: anything that deviates significantly from the standard in appearance, should be neither overly fearful nor aggressive in nature.

They is very affectionate, loves to be close to his owner, and likes to read his mind. Our dogs are very flattering, we jokingly say that they are cats in dog skin. They are very tenacious, love to go for walks, run in the woods and meadows, sniff around. They love to play and play sports with their owners, but they are patient when they need to rest. They are very clever, so they are eager and quick learners. Their training is usually not difficult, they have a strong hunting instinct and they learn by observing and imitating the work of other experienced hunting dogs.

They are very fond of water, often not even bothered by low water temperatures, and our dogs always take a dip in the stream when hunting pheasants. Since the arrival of our first Münsterland dog, we have fallen in love with this breed and it has become our mission to introduce this breed to Hungarian hunters and convince them of the outstanding abilities this breed has and to be brave enough to choose and use them for what they were created for.